Why use a Wedding Planner?
/When someone writes a great article, I think it’s a shame not to share it – so click here for one of my faves.
When you hire a planner, you aren’t relinquishing your part in the planning process (unless you choose to do so), but you are gaining an experienced assistant whose sole purpose is to help you and your groom pull your ideas together, make the day run smoothly and assist you to save money by offering cost-saving tips and discounts from vendors you might not get on your own.
I’m going to go out on a limb here – hearing “my friend or relative is going to help me plan my wedding” is one of the most frustrating things to hear from a new bride.
Not because it is business I will lose, but because the average wedding takes hundreds of hours to plan, and you may end up essentially putting your friend/relative to work. Time and time again, I have seen this pressure add immense stress to relationships and lead to a very stressful wedding day all around.
The last thing you want is your loved ones to dread hearing the word ‘wedding’ and wish they had never offered to help.
A wedding planner is a third party who does not have an attachment to either bride or groom and can step in the middle of disagreements about planning details when family want to add their input. We are there to review contracts and make sure you are getting a fair price and there are no hidden fees. We have purposely developed relationships with trustworthy wedding vendors and can save a couple money (as well as heartache) from hiring vendors who may provide a sub-standard service. These are often things friends and family members have no experience with.
So when you have a friend or family member getting engaged and they want YOU to help with their wedding… please say no. You will be doing them and yourself a big favour. Instead, show them this article or any article that explains the benefit of a wedding planner.
They will thank you later.